Collecte participates in the NEMO2023 museum conference in Lahti

Collecte participates in the NEMO2023 museum conference in Lahti

Museoliitto and Network of European Museum Organization NEMO organize the European Museum Conference event "and... ACTION! Museums in the climate crisis" in Lahti 19.-21.11.2023. The three-day conference brings together more than 200 participants from more than 40 countries to discuss how museums can act for the climate and a sustainable future. The main venue of the event is the Sibelius Hall in Lahti. Collecte is participating in the event, offering a solution for the collection management of European museums.

The collection management system Collecte offers museums, foundations and archives a cost-effective solution for collection management and cataloguing. The software can be translated into any language, and it is possible to use it to manage a collection of any size. The description of the materials, artwork, insurance value, condition information and, for example, information related to the purchase batch can be easily saved in Collecte.

As a new entity, a cultural environment module has been built into Collect, which enables the management of built and archaeological cultural environment information. You can save to the service, and there you can manage and maintain e.g. information and digital material produced in building surveys or archaeological surveys and documentation.

Back to basics: The Digital Management of Archiving Systems

In an era of digital resources, the concept of a digital archive is a departure from the analog content we once held dear. Imagine this – you have a physical valuable object displayed in a museum, and with a few procedures, it’s transformed into a digital copy, accessible without requiring a visit to the museum. Initially, our encounter with digital collections revolved around the transition from analog to digital.

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