Aamuwebinaari: Oppeja isojen karttojen digitoinnista sekä tekoälytyökalusta 9.4. klo 10-11
Tervetuloa keskiviikkona 9.4. klo 9–10 aamuwebinaariin kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan digitoinnista ja tekoälyn käytöstä näyttelysuunnittelussa.
Tervetuloa keskiviikkona 9.4. klo 9–10 aamuwebinaariin kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan digitoinnista ja tekoälyn käytöstä näyttelysuunnittelussa.
Museoliitto ja Network of European Museum Organization NEMO järjestävät European Museum Conference tapahtuman ”and… ACTION! Museums in the climate crisis” Lahdessa 19.–21.11.2023. Collecte on tapahtumassa mukana tarjoamassa ratkaisua eurooppalaisten museoiden kokoelmanhallintaan.
Collecte participates in the NEMO2023 museum conference in Lahti Read More »
In an era of digital resources, the concept of a digital archive is a departure from the analog content we once held dear. Imagine this – you have a physical valuable object displayed in a museum, and with a few procedures, it’s transformed into a digital copy, accessible without requiring a visit to the museum. Initially, our encounter with digital collections revolved around the transition from analog to digital.
Back to basics: The Digital Management of Archiving Systems Read More »
In recent years, museums have embraced sustainability as a central pillar in their strategic policies, not only to secure their own future but also to engage with the public and raise awareness about current critical issues, such as climate change.
Transforming museums into sustainable institutions Read More »
Having a digital strategy is crucial for an organization’s success in the digital age. It allows for mapping out potential activities and objectives in line with available capacities. Setting guidelines for sustainable digital practices and standardizing digitization of collections can help promote exhibitions and events, and make collections more accessible to a broader audience.
Developing a sustainable digital strategy for museums Read More »